Monday, April 19, 2010

Taylor Renee Short

I actually stole this idea from someone else but decided that it was a good idea to introduce you to my children considering my blogs with talk about them quite a bit. This is Taylor Renee Short my first born. She has been a source of joy in my life since February 16, 2001. She is an amazing child. She has overcome so much. She was diagnosed with Autism when she was three years old. This was something new and we didn't know what to think. This diagnosis came around the same time that her father and I decided to get divorced. When she started therapy she would not talk to anyone, play with things normally, she had echolaic speech and many of the many signs. She enrolled in a wonderful program at Freedom Elementary and the miracles started coming in. She has come so far since she has started. If you met her today you might not know except when she get anxious or excited. My husband has been so good for her and helping me with her. He has helped her get over her fear of the vacuum and many other frightening things for her. He taught her to swim and she eats other things besides mac & cheese and chicken. If you know anyone with an Autistic child you know how picky they can be with the food and change. Robbie has helped Taylor with all that. She can ride a bike without the training wheels and has been for a long time now. She is also a wonderful student. She is pulling straight A's and hasn't gotten in trouble all year long. That is amazing!!! She is now in a regular class room for most of the day.

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