Sunday, April 11, 2010

Today I decided that I would take my kids for a picnic and a walk in the park at Woodward Park. As most of you know that this time of the year and about October this particular park is packed with people taking photos. Who could blame them the park is gorgeous. So I decided to take my kids along with my best friend and her family which is pretty close to my heart. It takes a big heart to accept and help and treat people like your family and this family has managed to treat me and my kids like I was apart of their family. Sometimes they are nicer to us than our own family. We all picniced together and all the kids played together. Then we decided that we would walk around the park and look at all the pretty flowers that were in bloom. This was a lovely idea in theory but I forget that kids dont always want to do what you want them to. I tried so hard all day to get some decent pics. I did get some but I think that I wore the kids out and I think that I was expecting too much out of them. I have to remember that they are just kids and not grown ups. I have a hard time with that because for the most part they are good kids. They are 9 times out of 10 well behaved. So I tend to forget that the 10 percent will show up every once in a while. I think that I get a little anxious when they act up in public but what mom doesnt. I was reminded by a wise woman "they are just kids and thats what kids do, nothing is going to happen, we wont let it" I am so fortunate to have such a great friend with such a wonderful family. I am so glad to have them back in my life. I know this blog started out about the park and it still is.....I was just reminded how kind people can be and how nice it is when it is unexpected. They helped our visit to the park not to be a bad experience. The park resulted in some really good pics. I was so fortunate.


  1. I think your pictures turned out beautiful! I especially like the one of Summer holding a little bouquet! The memories are much more important than the pictures. Just enjoy them being little because they grow WAY too fast! As long as you and the kids have fun together, the pictures in each of your memories will be perfect, even if the ones from your camera aren't!
